Blockchain Has Already Solved the Airdrop Problem: Merit Based Reputation for Task Based Labor
The Airdrop Problem
With billions of dollars flowing into crypto, it makes sense that the flywheel mechanism of choice is money. Whether it’s points, votes, vibes, or promises, incentive structures in crypto are extremely simple: use the product, get airdropped tokens. But after many cycles of development and execution, we are left with a frustrating status quo: ideal users are getting their rewards diluted by sybil attackers and fake accounts, and protocols do not yet have a reliable way to filter for the best candidates to airdrop their rewards. In addition, the fundrasing mechanisms, airdrops mechanisms, and value creation mechanisms all seem to be at odds with one another, with token holders forced to race to the exits to capture any value.
How do we get the bulk of rewards to bullish actors who are interested in using the product long term? How do we reward these users without putting short term sell pressure on the token?
The User Problem:
The rules of the game (insider selling, predatory tokenomics, community takeovers as exit strategies, and planned ponzinomics) are accepted because the returns are often seen as the only chance at closing the gap caused by inflation and generational gaps in opportunity. For users, it's a choice between high-risk gambling or staying financially pinned down.
This makes the largest product market fit in crypto exactly what the biggest skeptics say it is—a casino. It’s not that high risk money games created are necessarily predatory—holding risk is accepted as the cost of access to yield, even among the most serious products. The dysfunction is a mirror image of the Airdrop Problem-incentives do not make up for this risk, because the bulk of the reward never make it to the user. They don't come back!
How do we provide an experience that has value to a new user? How do we give them the experience that makes them want to come back?
Tl;Dr: Our project aims to fundamentally change how airdrops are architected and executed to the benefit of both long term aligned products and new users. We aim to solve two problems: incentive misalignment in current airdrop mechanics, and user disenchantment with the crypto industry.
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